Bohack: It Took Several Wives Lp (New, sealed)
Sealed, Very Rare and Out of Print!
Family Friend Records
Copyright Bohack Music 1982
Side 1: The Rock of Joe the Dog Crowd Noticed/ Slow Clock/ A Waiter
Dies a Large Family for a Tip Leaves/ Shot Himself after Falling 3 Days/
Fat Jaw/ If You Feel Froggy Jump/ Jesus in Mono/ Old Hog Pissing Sepia/
Jerky in Color/ To Save a Safe Artist's Ass/
Side 2: Good Brown/ It Took Several Wives/ The Man with the Flower in
his Mouth/ They Came as One Person/ The White Hand Burned While the
Red Hand Held On/ Potato Skin Hair/ Perfumes (Part 1)/ Perfumes (Part
Bohack is Vincent Vito Gallo, Claudia Porcelli, Wayne Richard Clifford